Aidan will forever be the Batman baby in my mind. Perhaps I already blogged this - but in case I didn't, here goes:
On the morning of my Doctor's appointment to confirm my pregnancy with Aidan, Kieran came down to the breakfast table and said, "I had such a strange dream last night."
He proceeded to tell us that in his dream we found a baby that didn't have any owners. We decided to look after him, and Kieran looked at the baby and asked, "do you want to be called Batman?" And the baby said, "yes."
James and I exchanged curious looks, but we decided to wait until after the appointment before we told him. It turned out we were right - I was expecting our third. . . and I couldn't hold out on Kieran any more. I told him while we were standing in line at the pharmacy - his response was so sweet, "oh, Mom, thank you!" Then he proceeded to tell the cashier that we were having a baby.
I chuckle to myself every time I think of it. Aidan was just meant to be...right from the beginning.