Yes, it was Easter Sunday today, and we had a great big Ukrainian meal (James' family is Ukrainian, mine's Irish/Scottish/English). I wish I'd taken photos of the meal, but I think I have last years shot, so I'll dig it up....

There you go. We had Easter dressing (Natchinka?), cabbage rolls, bread, eggs, ham, sausage, and beet relish with horse radish (makes your eyes water like crazy).
The boys had fun searching for their eggs and treats. Kieran has been sick for a couple of days now, but he had enough energy to enjoy the day.
James' uncle and aunt came over for supper and Baba and Dido have been here all week. (Incidentally, it's been wonderful having the help!) Yesterday we went to the university and walked around the gardens. Liam was amazed that there were flowers bigger than his head.

Aidan did lots of walking with help from his Dido. He's still pretty unsteady, but he's starting to do more one-handed assisted walking which he's excited and a little nervous about. Our PT and OT told us not to worry - the bear-walking and crawling that he's doing is helping to strengthen him in ways that will help him down the road (with fine-motor control needed when printing, for example). Knowing this makes us feel better - but still there is something about that walking milestone that makes you want to get there fast. He'll do it when he's ready, and we're okay with that.

Aidan played with tissue paper for a solid 45 minutes, then later got one strand of that fake grass stuff that you put in the Easter basket and played with it for 15 minutes. No need for expensive toys for this boy, he's delighted by the world around him (I kind of hope this quality lasts!). Here he is standing: he's just played "shredder boy".

All in all it was a lovely Easter weekend (and it's not over yet, there's still tomorrow!).
One last thing to mention, I'm finished my class - yippee! It's been a long haul as I've been working through 2 terms with a focus on technology in school libraries. It was a lot of fun, and I learned an incredible amount. I've enjoyed stretching my mind and technical abilities, but I'm going to enjoy the summer without a class. I'll turn my attention over to my other writings with a hope that I'll be published one day (a girl can dream, right?)