That's my cousin Sharon. I used to be the little kid listening to her tell stories to the adults about teaching on a First Nations Reserve. I probably looked like I wasn't listening, because I was playing with Barbie Dolls, or colouring; but I was. I grew up wanting to be like Sharon.
In '93 I moved out to Saskatchewan and got to know Sharon from an adult's point of view. Nothing really changed, I still looked up to her. I wish I could be a fly on her classroom wall, 'cause I think I could learn a whole whack about teaching from her.
See the guy holding Aidan in the photo below? He was only two when I moved to Saskatchwan. I lived with Sharon for a couple of months helping to look after her kids while the school year ended. They lived in the middle of the woods, and I used to be afraid that a bear would eat him.
I am so proud of Daniel. When he holds Aidan, you can see the kind of person he is. Caring. Kind. Sweet. One of the good ones.