Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Aidan and the Great Pumpkin Patch

Aidan's Preschool class went for a trip to a local farm to pick a pumpkin out of the pumpkin patch.  He was quite the trooper...a lot of walking, a lot waiting, and a very bumpy hayride.  The woman in the third photo is Aidan's integrated service worker.  She's amazing, warm and lovely, and all the kids in the preschool love her. 

Orchard Fieldtrip

Aidan picks his pumpkin

At the Pumpkin Patch

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A Whole Whack of Love

That's my cousin Sharon.  I used to be the little kid listening to her tell stories to the adults about teaching on a First Nations Reserve.  I probably looked like I wasn't listening, because I was playing with Barbie Dolls, or colouring; but I was.  I grew up wanting to be like Sharon.

In '93 I moved out to Saskatchewan and got to know Sharon from an adult's point of view. Nothing really changed, I still looked up to her.  I wish I could be a fly on her classroom wall, 'cause I think I could learn a whole whack about teaching from her.

See the guy holding Aidan in the photo below?  He was only two when I moved to Saskatchwan.  I lived with Sharon for a couple of months helping to look after her kids while the school year ended.  They lived in the middle of the woods, and I used to be afraid that a bear would eat him.

I am so proud of Daniel.  When he holds Aidan, you can see the kind of person he is.  Caring. Kind. Sweet.  One of the good ones. 

Ring the Bell, Aidan!

When I go to work at the preschool (it's a co-op), we have to go in extra early to help clean and set up. On those days, Aidan gets to be the special helper. One of the duties that goes along with that is to ring the school bell when it's time for the rest of the children to come in.

I was so proud of him! He is really transitioning well into the program and new routine. I wish I had this on video. I also wish I had him on video as we walked to the preschool. I gave him his little cloth library bag to carry, and he giggled all the way down the sidewalk - swinging his library bag, holding my hand, and incredibly happy.

I love him so much, my heart is bursting with it :o)